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Do not spam your game into jams

Hey. I made a video about the Unexpected Jam and included your game in it. I enjoyed playing it. The only issue I had is that UI resolution is not fixed. There are a couple of ways to fix it:

You can anchor UI elements to its borders or get the UNITY AUTOMATIC UI ANCHORING plugin to fix UI problems. Also, you can tell the resolution that you want others to play on.

Also, there is a great manual that can tell you how anchors work: I personally use this C# code to fix my anchors through the code:

rectTransform = objectDragInstance.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); RectTransform parentRectTransform = null; if (rectTransform.transform.parent) parentRectTransform = rectTransform.transform.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); if (!parentRectTransform) return; Undo.RecordObject(rectTransform, "Anchor UI Object"); Rect parentRect = parentRectTransform.rect; rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(rectTransform.anchorMin.x + (rectTransform.offsetMin.x / parentRect.width), rectTransform.anchorMin.y + (rectTransform.offsetMin.y / parentRect.height)); rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(rectTransform.anchorMax.x + (rectTransform.offsetMax.x / parentRect.width), rectTransform.anchorMax.y + (rectTransform.offsetMax.y / parentRect.height)); rectTransform.offsetMin =; rectTransform.offsetMax =; rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

Also, It would be nice if I did not have to start from the first level when I die. I would create a saving system or divide each level on separate scenes and restart a scene each time the player dies.

If you want to cut your game out of the video, let me know. However, if you like the video, I make similar videos every day. I will be happy if you subscribe. Anyway, I enjoyed playing your game.
